Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Small schools, big plans - Pittsburgh Business Times:

million from an and Point Park expects to launc ha $103 million capital campaign -- but all thre are proving that size doesn't matter. The 's study citin g Pittsburgh as the No. 1 most polluted city ranked by short-termn particle pollution fails to look at thebigger picture. Whilew the city also ranked second in termsof year-round particle pollution, it didn't even make the top 25 when it comese to ozone pollution.
And the association failede to highlight the factthat Pittsburgh's year-rouns particle pollution levels have dropped over the past six Although work still needs to be done, to say that Pittsburghg is more polluted than Los Angeles is just perpetuating an old It's time for the rest of the world to discover that Pittsburghg has cleaned up its act.

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