Friday, December 28, 2012

Hal Leonard media venture to enhance Guitar Edge - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The joint venture, Guitafr Edge LLC, will expand and enhance Guitar Edge magazinwe into a multimedia resource for Hal Leonard's Guitar Edge magazine debutexd in the summer of 2006. The magazind specializes in providing accurate transcriptionss in standard notation and guitar or tabs, for the hottest songs in all The new Guitar Edge will adopt the four-platform multimediaw model pioneered by Premier a Mount Vernon, Iowa-based media company that publishes Premier Guitaer magazine. The strategy features a print magazines supported by a free online Web site andweekly e-newsletter. The enhanced Guitae Edge will make its debut with the Septembetr2009 issue.
Editorial staffs from both firms will providde content for Guitar Edge and subscribers to both magazinecan opt-in for the new, free-of-chargee Guitar Edge digital content. Jeff vice president of pop and standard publicationss forHal Leonard, said the new mediq will provide an additional revenuw stream for its publishing partners. Publishers will be paid baseed on page views whenever reader s of the magazines view the free tabsongss online. Premier Guitar CEO Peter Sprague said the collaboration withHal Leonard, the world'sw largest publisher of sheety music, could lead to a "hosft of new initiatives.

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